At the end of July 1939, when World War II was inevitably approaching, a battalion of sappers and reservists from Poznań was sent to Władysławów. A second defensive line was built in the bend of the Warta River.
This line crossed the area of the Władysławów commune. About 40 bunkers were built - reinforced concrete shelters against tanks in which anti-tank guns and machine guns were to be placed.
Shortly after the outbreak of the war, on 5 and 6 September, the inhabitants of Władysławowo and neighboring villages left their homes and went to the Warta River.
The National Military Staff suspected that on the line of fortifications in our area there could be a greater battle with the Germans.
Germany in November 39 for a short time - about 6 weeks - opened public schools in our areas. However, at the beginning of the year 40 a Nazi plan for destroying the intelligentsia was carried out - teachers were sent to extermination camps. In September 39, they died, among others sołtys Władysławowa Ludwik Kil, mayor of Małoszyna Michał Altman - executed in Turku. Later, in 1941, also the mayor of Władysławowo from the 1920s, a baker by profession, Stefan Gronert, died in the camp.
The Family Rally in the footsteps of these fortifications is educational in character. We want young people to know the history of their small homeland and at the same time have the opportunity for intergenerational integration